Juggle Support

Last updated April 13, 2022

Getting Started

Juggle is focused on doing the heavy lifting when your productivity skill is tested. The app is based on two essential features: "Breakouts" - Helps you maintain high productivity over a long period of time. "Juggle" Simulates standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, TOEFL, and more. Once you have downloaded Juggle, you can launch the app without the need to sign up or login. You will be welcomed with a tutorial page on how to use the application.

Getting Acquainted with The Features

Who is Juggle Made For

The everyday learner. Improve your efficiency and resilience in everyday activities with the "Breakout" feature. This feature allows you to set custom timers with custom number of rounds to avoid burnout.

The workout person. Go for long stretch workouts without feeling burnout. Use the "Breakout" feature to set workout times with the number reps you are going for, and the app with automatically provide rest sessions throughout the workout.

The average reader Reading will no longer be boring. The "Breakout" feature will help you go for long reads period.

The creative skilled practitioner. Get better at your creative skill with the "Breakout" feature.

The test-taking student. Use the "Juggle" feature to simulate full standardized tests including breaks with the one click. You can also simulate individual sections, say the "No Calculator Math Test" in the SAT, with two clicks. Say goodbye to setting complex timers every time you want to practice for a test.

The test supervisor. Say goodbye to wasting your precious second to set a timer for various sections of your test. Use the "Juggle" feature to simulate full standardized tests including breaks with the one click. You can also simulate individual sections, say the "No Calculator Math Test" in the SAT, with two clicks.